
Showing posts from 2013

Is the Henryton State Hospital Haunted?

  Henryton State Hospital, located in an isolated section of Patapsco Valley State Park, on Henryton Road, in a dis-remembered part of the Eldersburg region. Instituted in-the beginning of the early-1920s, Henryton was inaugurated for two diverse reasons: the nursing of black patients writhe with tuberculosis, and the instruction and treatment of mentally ill adults. Henryton then changed from taking care of those ill with tuberculosis in 1963, and shut their doors in 1985. Finding information on the history of Henryton is difficult. This very dilemma is what adds to its mystique and declaration of haunting experiences. There are those who have tried in vain and have only been met with a stonewall. For instance, the Maryland Department of General Services, who today retains the building, and the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene were contacted; but mysteriously have no information concerning the history of Henryton. In addition, the Carroll Country Department of Me

The History and Hauntings of Waverly Hills Sanatorium

 Waverly Hills Sanatorium is a former tuberculosis hospital located in Louisville, Kentucky. It opened in 1910 and was one of the most advanced tuberculosis treatment facilities in the world. However, the sanatorium also had a dark history. Thousands of patients died there, and many of them are said to still haunt the building today. The sanatorium was designed to resemble a castle, with turrets and towers. This was done to give patients a sense of hope and optimism, as well as to keep the sanatorium isolated from the surrounding community. The sanatorium was also equipped with the latest technology for treating tuberculosis, including a "skylight room" that was used to expose patients to sunlight. Despite its advanced facilities, Waverly Hills Sanatorium was not a pleasant place to be. The treatment for tuberculosis was often brutal, and many patients died from the disease. The sanatorium was also overcrowded, and the conditions were often unsanitary. Waverly Hills Sanator

The Archeri

they-hide-in-the-dark : Archeri - A demonic spirit from Native American and eastern mythology, the Archeri takes the form of a little girl and delights in spreading disease to children and the elderly. She is often seen as a frail little girl with pale grey skin who lives in the mountains. When disturbed by human activity she will come down from the mountain and dance into festivals and harvests in order to attract children to her. Children are then infected by the Archeri casting its shadow on them. In some cases the Archeri was once a child who died of a painful and horrible disease.  The Archeri feeds on misery. The more people she infects and the more misery she causes the stronger and happier she will become. This makes her increasingly difficult to remove from a village or town as her illnesses are usually contagious and easily spread. The only way to protect children from an Archeri is to make them wear red items of clothing, beads or other red talismans  It is bel

The Legend of the Hat Man

There have been reports of the Hat Man all over the world, and he has been featured in numerous books, movies, and television shows. Some people believe that the Hat Man is a real entity, while others believe that he is simply a product of the imagination. People describe the Hat Man as being tall and thin, with a long, black coat. He often wears a wide-brimmed hat that covers his face. His face is often featureless, or may appear distorted. He has a menacing presence, and often inspires feelings of fear or dread. He is typically seen in bedrooms, at night, when people are falling asleep or waking up. There are a few possible explanations for the Hat Man phenomenon. One possibility is that he is a form of sleep paralysis hallucination. Sleep paralysis is a condition that occurs when a person is partially awake but still unable to move. During sleep paralysis, people often experience vivid hallucinations, and some people believe that the Hat Man is one of these hallucinations. Anot

White Witch of Rose Hall

Annie Palmer arrived in Jamaica from England in the 18th century. She married a landowner and became the mistress of a large plantation. The reason why she became so cruel is unknown but she ruled the plantation with an iron fist, punishing her slaves with public whippings, torture in her dungeon or death.   Eventually she started to sleep with the male slaves. Her slave lovers were doomed though. When she grew bored of them she would murder them while they slept and it wasn’t long before her husband shared the same fate. Out of boredom she demanded that her slaves teach her voodoo. Annie then took to threatening them with black and sacrificing babies to use their bones for spells. The overseer of the plantation was a voodoo user himself and when Annie started sleeping with his daughter’s fiancĂ© he started to worry for the young man’s fate. When the daughter’s fiancĂ© was murdered the overseer decided that he had had enough and killed Annie. He placed her body in a specially prep

Helltown - Haunted Ohio

The Northern part of Summit County in Ohio is known by its eery name, Helltown. In the 1970’s, Boston Township was the site of a government buyout and subsequent mass eviction of citizens of the area. The houses were intended to be torn down and the land used for a national park, but the plans never quite manifested. Legends spawned wildly. Driving through the dark, wooded landscape was enough to give chills even when it was populated, but now the drive is by boarded up houses standing next to the burnt out shells of others. The persistent legends of Helltown add to its scary, abandoned status. The steep Stanford Road drop off, immediately followed by a dead end, is aptly named The End of the World. If you get stuck at this dead end for too long, you may meet your end at the hands of the endless parade of freaks supposedly patrolling the woods. Satanists, Ku Klux Klan members, escaped mental patients, abnormally large snakes, and mutants caused by an alleged chemical spill